Equipped with a swimming pool, basketball court, fitness gym, squash courts, and an indoor golf range, the center provides an extensive array of training facilities for recreational and health use of students, faculty, staff, and local residents alike.
- •Facilities
- –Gym ground floor
Swimming pool (25m long, 10m wide, 5lanes) – MㆍF locker room and shower room, physical strength test room, exercise prescription room, fitness center, audiovisual room, and table tennis facility. - –Gym second floor
main court (basketball court 1 side, valley ball 1 side, badminton court 4 sides), squash court (3 sides), MㆍF locker room, registration office, administration office, and health center. - –Gym third floor
main court stands (396 seats)
- –Gym ground floor
- •Tel.:02-3399-3711~5
외국인 학생들에 맞게 3페이지를 한페이지로 합쳐 교열 후 번역하여 사용