As the first university in South Korea to open both men’s and women’s dorms, SU boasts splendid facilities, in particular the Life Education Center. This is where students can experience both academic and community life of SU. With the recent building extensions, we are able to accommodate more students. Currently, 900 students reside in the dorms.
The Life Education Center is equipped with wireless LAN as well as laundry rooms on each floor. In addition, model residents receive rewards every month. The center is also a place where men and women can fellowship and build friendship. It is ideal for those who do not wish to waste time on the road commuting to school. Residing in a dorm will also offer great opportunities to widen your circle of friends and learn to coexist with others.
Priority is granted to incoming freshmen and international students. In the second semester, students are selected based on their academic achievement and behavior. Applications for the first semester are accepted in early February. Applications for the second semester are accepted in early August. You won’t regret checking out the Life Education Center if you are a freshmen looking to concentrate on studying and while enjoying the SU’s campus life.
* For more information, please call the Life Education Center at (02) 3399-3667.