
  • 연구소장 이완희

    안녕하십니까? 응용물리치료연구소를 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다.

    연구소장 이완희
    • 성명 : 이완희
    • 이메일 : whlee@syu.ac.kr
    • 소속 : 물리치료학과
    • 연락처 : 02-3399-1633

    연구소 소개


    • 한글명 : 응용물리치료연구소
    • 영문명 : Applied Physical Therapy Lab, APL

    연구소 설립 배경 및 목적

    • 응용물리치료 연구소는 다학제적 지식을 적용하고 융합하는 물리치료연구실입니다. 저희 연구실은 2009년에 설립되었으며 물리치료에 대한 창의적이고 실용적인 지식을 갖춘 인재를 육성하고, 최고의 학문적 이론과 최신 정보를 배우고 제공합니다.
      Physical therapy development Lab that applies and converges multidisciplinary knowledge.
      APL was founded in 2009. APL nurtures talented people with creative and practical knowledge of physical therapy, learns and delivers the best academic theories and latest information, and gives them mastery.

    연구소 연혁

    • 2009년 응용물리치료연구소 설립
    • 2015년 창조적 미래를 위한 한국물리치료의 현황과 미래 발전 방향. 대한물리치료사협회 용역 과제
    • 2018년 – 2020년 ICT 기반 실시간 시각적되먹임을 활용한 자동 근수축 활성 및 재활 운동 연구. 한국연구재단
    • 2018년 근력제어에 따른 개인 특성 데이터 취득 및 분석 연구. 한국전자통신연구원(ETRI)
    • 2019년 신체기능의 이상이나 저하를 극복하기 위한 휴먼 청각 및 근력 증강 원천기술 개발. 한국전자통신연구원(ETRI)
    • 2019년 장애인 의료재활시설 운영 실태조사 및 개선방안 연구. 서울특별시
    • 2021년 복합모델 근력 보조 시스템 성능 분석 연구. 한국전자통신연구원(ETRI)
    • 2022년 정상노인대상 운동보조로봇(EX1) 적용 운동프로그램의 유효성 및 사용성 평가. 삼성전자
    • 2022년 부스트 걷기 효과 및 신규 보행지표 개발. 삼성전자
    • 2022년 – 2025년 ICT 기반 듀얼 이미지를 적용한 산후 여성들을 위한 재활운동 프로그램(PLOWER) 모형 개발 및 임상적 운영. 한국연구재단 과학기술정보통신부 중견연구과제
    • 2023년 – 2023년 한국보건의료인국가시험원 자유주제 위탁연구과제 용역(물리치료사). 한국보건의료인국가시험원
    • 2024년 Bot Fit의 계단/Sit Fit 모드 효과 및 안정성 임상 검증. 삼성전자
    • 2024년 Bot Fit의 골반-보행자세 센싱지표 임상타당성 검증. 삼성전자
    • 2024년. 3월 삼육대학교 부설 연구소 승격

    학회, 협회, 보직 경력

    • 1990 – 1999.8. 서울대학교병원 재활의학과 물리치료실
    • 1999. 9 – 현재. 삼육대학교 물리치료학과 교수
    • 2002 – 2007. 삼육대학교 물리치료학과 / 대학원 학과장
    • 2004 – 2006. 한미FTA 의료협정 의료기사분과 위원
    • 2004 – 2009. 한국희귀난치성질환연합회 부회장
    • 2005 – 2005. 제9차 세계물리치료사연맹 및 제4차 아시아태평양 연맹 서울대회 행정위원장
    • 2005 – 2007. 교육인적자원부 특성화사업 실무위원
    • 2008 – 2009. Queensland University Visiting Professor (호주)
    • 2012 – 2014. 대한심장호흡물리치료학회 부회장
    • 2012 – 2016. 한국재활승마학회 대외협력이사
    • 2012 – 현재. 한국장애인재활협회 및 세계장애인재활협회(RI) 한국건강분과 위원
    • 2013 – 현재. 한국국제협력단(KOICA) 기술위원
    • 2013 – 2015. 삼육대학교 연구처 부처장 / 산학협력단 부단장
    • 2014 – 2015. (사) 대한물리치료사협회 전략기획이사
    • 2016 – 2017. (사) 대한물리치료사협회 국제위원장
    • 2016 – 2017. ICSET 서울대회 조직위원회 학술분과 위원
    • 2016 – 2018. 대한물리치료재활과학회 학회장
    • 2016 – 2018. 삼육대학교 대학원 부원장
    • 2016 – 2019. 삼육대학교 생명윤리위원회(IRB) 위원장
    • 2019 – 현재. 국립재활병원 재활연구개발지원사업 기획위원회 위원
    • 2020 – 2021. 2021 HETI SEOUL 조직위원회 집행위원
    • 2020 – 2022. 삼육대학교 보건복지대학장
    • 2020 – 2022. 대한물리치료대학교육협의회 회장
    • 2022 – 현재. 서울시 노원구 지역사회재활협의체 의장
    • 2023 – 2023. 한국보건의료인국가시험원 물리치료사 국가시험 위원장
    • 2024 – 현재. 삼육대학교 학술정보원장
  • 연구소장 소개


    연구소장의 학력 기간, 내용을 나타내는 테이블입니다.
    기간 내용
    1995. 삼육대학교 (이학사)
    1997. 연세대학교 대학원 (재활보건학 석사)
    2005. 한양대학교 대학원 (의학박사)

    주요 연구 분야

    • 1. Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging, RUSI

      Development of RUSISoftware for Visual Feedback Exercise

    • 2. Wearable Robot

      Wearable hip-Assist Robot Collaborative Research with Samsung Electronics

    • 3. Active Release Technique, ART

      Gold standard in soft tissue mobilization. We are the host distributing ART in Korea specializing in musculoskeletal system


    국외 논문

    • 1. Ahn S-Y, Ahn C-S, Lee W-H, Park R-J. The development of physical therapy educational goals and standard curriculum. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science. 2007;14(1_4):37-54.
    • 2. Cha HG, Lee BJ, Lee WH. The effects of horse riding simulation exercise with blindfolding on healthy subjects’ balance and gait. Journal of physical therapy science. 2016;28(11):3165-7.
    • 3. Chang Y-H, Lee W-H. Influence of walking with high-heeled shoes on the knee joint of obese women. Physical Therapy Korea. 2007;14(3):23-31.
    • 4. Chang Y-H, Lee W-H. Analysis of Joint Moment in the Intact Limb With Uni-Transfemoral Amputee During Level Walking. Physical Therapy Korea. 2008;15(2):64-72.
    • 5. Chang Y-H, Lee W-H. Biomechanical effect on knee adduction moment by lateral wedge insole in transfemoral amputee. Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering. 2012;29(2):239-44.
    • 6. Chang YH, Bae TS, Kim SK, Kim SB, Mun MS, Lee WH. Relationship between ankle inversion angle and knee adduction moment on the intact limb in unilateral transfemoral amputees during walking. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. 2012;13(4):609-15.
    • 7. Chang YH, Bae TS, Kim SK, Mun MS, Lee W-H. Intact hip and knee joint moment in coronal plane with unilateral transfemoral amputee. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. 2011;12(1):129-34.
    • 8. Cho I-K, Park H-K, Lee W-H. The Effectiveness of Selective Lower Trapezius Strengthening Exercises on Pain, Muscle Function, and Scapular Position in Patients with Rounded Shoulder and Chronic Neck Pain. Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science. 2021;10(4):503-11.
    • 9. Cho J-E, Cho KH, Yoo JS, Lee SJ, Lee W-H. Reliability and validity of a dual-probe personal computer-based muscle viewer for measuring the pennation angle of the medial gastrocnemius muscle in patients who have had a stroke. Topics in sTroke rehabiliTaTion. 2018;25(1):6-12.
    • 10. Cho J-E, Lee H-J, Kim M-K, Lee W-H. The improvement in respiratory function by inspiratory muscle training is due to structural muscle changes in patients with stroke: a randomized controlled pilot trial. Topics in stroke rehabilitation. 2018;25(1):37-43.
    • 11. Cho J-E, Lee W-H, Shin J-H, Kim H. Effects of Biaxial Ankle Strengthening on Muscle Efficiency during Gait in Chronic Stroke Patients: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. 2020.
    • 12. Cho J-E, Lee W-H, Shin J-H, Kim H. Effects of bi-axial ankle strengthening on muscle co-contraction during gait in chronic stroke patients: a randomized controlled pilot study. Gait & Posture. 2021;87:177-83.
    • 13. Cho J-E, Yoo JS, Kim KE, Cho ST, Jang WS, Cho KH, et al. Systematic review of appropriate robotic intervention for gait function in subacute stroke patients. BioMed research international. 2018;2018.
    • 14. Cho K-H, Lee W-H. The effects of two motor dual task training on balance and gait in patients with chronic stroke. The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy. 2010;22(4):7-14.
    • 15. Cho K-H, Lee W-H. Changes to Balance and Trunk Repositioning Sense According to Frequency of falls in stroke patients. Korean Journal of Health Promotion. 2011:48-55.
    • 16. Cho K-H, Lee W-H. Effects of inpatient rehabilitation on functional recovery of stroke patients: a comparison of chronic stroke patients with and without cognitive impairment. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2012;24(3):245-8.
    • 17. Cho KH, Kim MK, Lee H-J, Lee WH. Virtual reality training with cognitive load improves walking function in chronic stroke patients. The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine. 2015;236(4):273-80.
    • 18. Cho KH, Lee HJ, Lee WH. Reliability of rehabilitative ultrasound imaging for the medial gastrocnemius muscle in poststroke patients. Clinical physiology and functional imaging. 2014;34(1):26-31.
    • 19. Cho KH, Lee HJ, Lee WH. Test–retest reliability of the GAITRite walkway system for the spatio-temporal gait parameters while dual-tasking in post-stroke patients. Disability and rehabilitation. 2015;37(6):512-6.
    • 20. Cho KH, Lee HJ, Lee WH. Intra-and inter-rater reliabilities of measurement of ultrasound imaging for muscle thickness and pennation angle of tibialis anterior muscle in stroke patients. Topics in sTroke rehabiliTaTion. 2017;24(5):368-73.
    • 21. Cho KH, Lee WH. Changes of spatio-temporal gait parameters according to experience falls in post-stroke patients. Physical therapy rehabilitation science. 2012;1(1):22-7.
    • 22. Cho KH, Lee WH. Virtual walking training program using a real-world video recording for patients with chronic stroke: a pilot study. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation. 2013;92(5):371-84.
    • 23. Cho KH, Lee WH. Effect of treadmill training based real-world video recording on balance and gait in chronic stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial. Gait & posture. 2014;39(1):523-8.
    • 24. Cho Y-M, Lee W-H. 3-Dimensional Gait analysis and the relationship between lower limb alignment and knee adduction moment in elderly healthy women. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science. 2003;10(1):90-101.
    • 25. Choi JW, Hwang GH, Han WK, Lee WH, Kang SG. Effect of Cu on the surface hardness of Ni− B coating for the strengthening of the Cu surface. Metals and Materials International. 2007;13(5):403-9.
    • 26. Choi M-S, Shin J-H, Park H-K, Lee W-H. Reliability and validity of rehabilitative ultrasound images obtained using a hands-free fixed probe in measuring the muscle structures of the tibialis anterior and the gastrocnemius. Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science. 2019;8(4):194-201.
    • 27. Hahm K-L, Lee W-H. The effects of sling exercise on fall risk score, ankle dorsiflexion and balance in community-dwelling elderly women. Journal of muscle and joint health. 2009;16(2):165-73.
    • 28. Hahn J, Ha H-G, Lee H-J, Lim S, Lee W-h. The reliability of dual rehabilitative ultrasound imaging measurements for muscle co-activation. Physical therapy rehabilitation science. 2017;6(3):152-7.
    • 29. Han S-G, Lee W-H, Hwang D-Y, Park S-M, Choi J-H, Joo D-M, editors. Thermal Design and Development of a Inverter Considering the Switch Characteristics of Wide Band Gap Powersemiconductor. 2021 24th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS); 2021: IEEE.
    • 30. Hwang D-Y, Lee W-H. A Study on the Effects of Quadriceps Femoris Flexibility Exercise on the Functional Ability of the Patients with Degenerated Arthritis. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science. 2002;9(3):67-75.
    • 31. Hwang J-M, Lee W-H. Comparison of oxygen saturation, heart rate of cerebral palsy and normal child between the pre-ambulation and post-ambulation. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science. 2003;10(1):38-46.
    • 32. Jee Y-S, Yu B-K, Lee W-H. Comparison study on lumbar strength and lumbar flexor/extensor ratio of spondylolisthesis patients and herniated disc patients. The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy. 2002;14(3):136-44.
    • 33. Jeong J-R, Han JH, Cho J-E, Lee W-h. Reliability and validity of a personal computer based muscle viewer for measuring upper trapezius and transverses abdominis muscle thickness. Physical therapy rehabilitation science. 2016;5(3):155-61.
    • 34. Jeong J-R, Lee S-J, Lee W-H. Reliability of rehabilitative ultrasound imaging for measuring the gluteus maximus muscle at rest and during contraction. Physical therapy rehabilitation science. 2017;6(1):7-13.
    • 35. Jeong J-R, Lee W-H. The study of asymmetrical of the serratus anterior and lower trapezius muscles in chronic stroke patients. Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine. 2015;10(4):81-90.
    • 36. Jeong JR, Ko YJ, Ha HG, Lee WH. Reliability of rehabilitative ultrasonographic imaging for muscle thickness measurement of the rhomboid major. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging. 2016;36(2):134-8.
    • 37. Jung K-A, Lee W-H. The influence of clinical symptoms and self-efficacy on function in women with osteoarthritis. Physical Therapy Korea. 2007;14(1):55-63.
    • 38. Kang HJ, Kim M-H, Hwang JH, Lee W-H. The immediate effectiveness of mobile game-based instruction with an extracorporeal biofeedback device for an exercise program to improve pelvic floor muscle contraction in healthy subjects. Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science. 2020;9(3):209-14.
    • 39. Kang J-s, Lee W-H, Lee D-j, Hwang D-y. Effect of a modified maneuver for quadriceps muscle setting with co-contraction of the hamstrings on patients with knee joint osteoarthritis. Journal of Korean Society of Physical Medicine. 2010;5(3):375-83.
    • 40. Kang K-Y, Lee W-H. Effects of resistance strengthening exercise for the hip flexor and extensor on functional improvement in chronic stroke patients. Physical Therapy Korea. 2006;13(3):10-7.
    • 41. Kim B-N, Lee W-H. The influence of pelvic tilt exercise using visual feedback upon the gait characteristics of patients with hemiplegia. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy. 2002;14(1):75-88.
    • 42. Kim E-S, Kim M-H, Cho Y-M, Lee W-H. The effect of vibration training pre-eccentric exercise on delayed onset muscle soreness of triceps surae. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2011;12(12):5789-96.
    • 43. Kim M-H, Lee W-H, Yun M-J. The effects on respiratory strength training on respiratory function and trunk control in patient with stroke. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy. 2012;24(5):340-7.
    • 44. Kim MK, Lee HJ, Lee WH. Ultrasound imaging for age-related differences of lower extremity muscle architecture. Physical therapy rehabilitation science. 2015;4(1):38-43.
    • 45. Kim S-H, Kwon B-A, Lee W-H. Effects of cervical spinal stabilization training in private security on chronic neck pain and cervical function, neck pain, ROM. Korean Security Journal. 2010(25):89-107.
    • 46. Kim S-H, Lee W-H. Effects of spinal stabilization training on chronic low back pain in private guard and security. Korean Security Journal. 2009(20):71-93.
    • 47. Kim S-H, Lee W-H. Effects of spinal stabilization exercises on the cross-sectional areas of the lumbar multifidus and psoas major muscles of patients with degenerative disc disease. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy. 2010;22(3):9-15.
    • 48. Kim S-H, Park H-K, Lee W-H. The Effect of adding Hip Abductor Strengthening to Conventional Rehabilitation on Muscular Strength and Physical Function following Total Knee Replacement. Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science. 2022;11(1):16-23.
    • 49. Kim TH, Hahn J, Jeong J-R, Lee C, Kim YJ, Choi SM, et al. Changes of abdominal muscle thickness during stable and unstable surface bridging exercise in young people. Physical therapy rehabilitation science. 2016;5(4):210-4.
    • 50. Ko YJ, Ha HG, Jeong J, Lee WH. Variations in lateral abdominal muscle thickness during abdominal drawing-in maneuver in three positions in a young healthy population. Physical therapy rehabilitation science. 2014;3(2):101-6.
    • 51. Lee B-J, Yun M-J, Lee K-S, Lee H-J, Lee W-H. Actual Situation of the intern physical therapist at hospitals in the seoul metropolitan region. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy. 2013;25(2):64-70.
    • 52. Lee BJ, Cha HG, Lee WH. The effects of sitting with the right leg crossed on the trunk length and pelvic torsion of healthy individuals. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2016;28(11):3162-4.
    • 53. Lee BJ, Cho KH, Lee WH. The effects of the menstrual cycle on the static balance in healthy young women. Journal of physical therapy science. 2017;29(11):1964-6.
    • 54. Lee BJ, Lee HJ, Lee WH. The effects of intensive gait training with body weight support treadmill training on gait and balance in stroke disability patients: a randomized controlled trial. Physical therapy rehabilitation science. 2013;2(2):104-10.
    • 55. Lee H-J, Cho K-H, Lee W-H. The effects of body weight support treadmill training with power-assisted functional electrical stimulation on functional movement and gait in stroke patients. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation. 2013;92(12):1051-9.
    • 56. Lee H-J, Ha H-G, Hahn J, Lim S, Lee W-h. Intra-and inter-rater reliabilities for novel muscle thickness assessment during Co-contraction with dual-rehabilitative ultrasound imaging. Physical Therapy in Sport. 2018;32:109-14.
    • 57. Lee H-J, Kim M-K, Ha H-G, Lee W-H. Comparison of muscle architecture of lower extremity using rehabilitative ultrasound image in young adults: A comparative study of muscle cross-sectional area of lower extermity of Seoul and Hanoi in Vietnam. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy. 2014;26(5):324-30.
    • 58. Lee H-J, Shin K-H, Byun S-M, Jeong H-S, Hong J-S, Jeong S-J, et al. The changes of rectus abdominis muscle thickness according to the angle during active straight leg raise. Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science. 2013;2(1):44-8.
    • 59. Lee HJ, Kim YH, Kim MK, Lee WH, editors. Gait Rehabilitation of Progressive Speed Treadmill Training Using A Real-Walk Video For Stroke Patients. 理学療法学 Supplement Vol 42 Suppl No 2 (第 50 回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集); 2015: 公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会.
    • 60. Lee J, Kang S-J, Shim H, Lee S-C, Kim N-H, Jang W, et al. Characterization of chloroplast genomes, nuclear ribosomal DNAs, and polymorphic SSR markers using whole genome sequences of two Euonymus hamiltonianus phenotypes. Plant Breeding and Biotechnology. 2019;7(1):50-61.
    • 61. Lee J-H, Lee W-H. Comparison of the Pelvic Height Difference in Subjects with Lower Back Pain and in Normal Subjects in Different Postures. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science. 2004;11(3):28-37.
    • 62. LEE J-K, KIM Y-K, KIM C-S, LEE W-H, PAIK D-J. Estimation Regression of Thigh Muscle Volume by Anthropometry. Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2006:245-53.
    • 63. Lee K-B, Kim J-G, Park H-G, Kim J-E, Kim H-S, Lee W-H. Correlation between lateral abdominal, rectus femoris, and triceps brachii muscle thickness and endurance during prone bridge exercise in healthy young adults. Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science. 2015;4(1):11-6.
    • 64. Lee K-B, Kim M-K, Jeong J-R, Lee W-H. Reliability of an electronic inspiratory loading device for assessing pulmonary function in post-stroke patients. Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research. 2016;22:191.
    • 65. Lee K-S, Lee W-H, Hwang S. Modified constraint-induced movement therapy improves fine and gross motor performance of the upper limb in Parkinson disease. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2011;90(5):380-6.
    • 66. Lee K-S, Lee W-H, Yun M-J. Relationship between musculoskeletal pain and job satisfaction of the physical therapists in elderly care facilities. The Korean Journal of Health Service Management. 2012;6(4):49-60.
    • 67. Lee S-S, Sohn A-R, Chun S-S, Lee W-H, Kim S-Y. The effect of the elastic band for resistance exercise program on ADL and bone mineral density in arthritis patients at home. Journal of muscle and joint health. 2008;15(1):88-95.
    • 68. Lee S-W, Cho K-H, Lee W-H. Effect of a local vibration stimulus training programme on postural sway and gait in chronic stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical rehabilitation. 2013;27(10):921-31.
    • 69. Lee W-H, Cho K-H, Lee K-S, Kim M-H. Medial Gastrocnemius Ultrasound Imaging of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness over time. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2012;13(6):2632-40.
    • 70. Lee W-h, Jeong J-R, Hahn J. Evaluation of research trends in physical therapy through analysis of articles published at the world confederation for physical therapy congress. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2016;28(12):3473-9.
    • 71. Lee W-H, Kang H, Kim SY. Discrepancy between self-awareness and actual diagnosis and treatment of the conditions among adolescent with scoliosis in middle-school age. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2017;29(4):567-71.
    • 72. Lee W-H, Lee S-W. A Study of the Relationship Between Normal Adults’ Resting Calcaneal Stance Position and Postural Sway. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science. 2004;11(2):5-17.
    • 73. Lee W-H, Park D-S. The Effect of Low Back Pain and Pelvic Displacement on Foot Orthosis. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science. 2005;12(4):57-67.
    • 74. Lim S-y, Lee B-j, Lee W-h. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis of the timed up and go test as a predictive tool for fall risk in persons with stroke: a retrospective study. Physical therapy rehabilitation science. 2018;7(2):54-60.
    • 75. Lim S-y, Lee W-h. Comparison of accelerometer-based and treadmill-based analysis systems for measuring gait parameters in healthy adults. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2017;29(4):651-3.
    • 76. Lim S-y, Lee W-h. Effects of pelvic range of motion and lower limb muscle activation pattern on over-ground and treadmill walking at the identical speed in healthy adults. Journal of physical therapy science. 2018;30(4):619-24.
    • 77. Lim S-y, Lee W-h. Effect of two types of muscle contraction training on muscle thickness, strength, and delayed onset of muscle soreness in persons with chronic stroke. Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science. 2018;7(4):154-63.
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    국내 논문

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    • 1. 10-2020-0066914 ICT 기반 시각적 피드백을 활용한 재활 운동 지원 장치 및 방법
최종수정일: 2024.04.08