Student Life


[NEWS] Photo: Fine Arts Performance Exam Site Filled with Sounds of Brush Strokes

2022-02-03 1,668

On January 9, at the main stadium of the gymnasium and in a few different classrooms, Sahmyook University held the performance exam for the 2022 Spring regular admission for the Department of Art and Design. Applicants were given four hours to work on the following themes: Basic Design, Idea and Expression, and Creative Thinking.

The exam was conducted under strict quarantine measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to ensure the safety of the examinees.

The university completely restricted campus access for everyone including parents and all vehicles except for the examinees and test staff. The examinees had to submit an online self-check on the test day, wear a KF94 mask, and get their body temperature checked to make sure that only asymptomatic individuals could enter the exam site. Seats in the exam spaces were arranged at a 1.5 to 2-meter distance on all sides.

The Department of Art and Design this year received 569 applicants for the admission of just 22 openings, recording a competition ratio of 25.86 to 1.

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