Sahmyook University has a total of 4 dormitories, including Peniel Hall and Salem Hall, newly built in 2019 and 2020. Various amenities are provided you can devote yourself to your studies without any inconvenience. Depending on your' needs and budget, you can choose the size of the room and the number of people to live in. Dormitory web(Korean)

Women's Dormitory
129 rooms on the 5th floor can accommodate 501 people.
In the Eden Hall, all rooms are for 4 people.
Main amenities: laundry drying room, physical fitness room, photocopier

This dormitory was newly built in 2020.
127 rooms on the 5th floor can accommodate 269 people.
You can choose between single, double, and triple rooms.
Main amenities: laundry drying room, physical fitness room, photocopier

This dormitory was newly built in 2019.
127 rooms on the 5th floor can accommodate 290 people.
You can choose between single, double, and triple rooms.
Main amenities: laundry drying room, physical fitness room, photocopier

Men's Dormitory
125 rooms on the 5th floor can accommodate 485 people.
In the Zion Hall, all rooms are for 4 people.
Main amenities: laundry drying room, physical fitness room, photocopier
Main facilities
Dormitory Lobby (Peniel Hall)
Laundry room (common)
Family Room (Common)
Reading room (common)
Lounge (common)