Student Life


[NEWS] SU School of Theology - Korean SDA Church Council of America Signed an MOU

2022-07-13 3,242

Sahmyook University (SU) and the Korean SDA Church Council of America (KASDA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) titled ‘Nurturing Future Leaders.’ The agreement is for training students in the Department of Theology whose dream is to become global pastors for Korean SDA churches, namely in the United States of America. The MoU signing ceremony was held on May 25 at the Centennial Memorial Hall.

Korean churches in America are currently experiencing a serious shortage in the number of young prospective Korean pastors, which raises concerns about their future. Meanwhile, Korea has seen a change in the pastoral environment and is seeking ways to diversify career paths for theology graduates to utilize them more effectively.

According to the agreement, the American institutions will select SU Theology students in their sophomore year, who are willing to serve in the U.S. and offer them an opportunity to study as an exchange student at La Sierra University, Andrews University, or Washington Adventist University.

During the exchange student period, KASDA will offer participants a pastoral internship opportunity at one of the Korean SDA churches. When students return to Korea from the exchange student program and complete their undergraduate courses, the American institutions will provide them an opportunity and guide them through the necessary steps to serve as a youth pastor at Korean churches in the U.S. upon their graduation.

SU President Kim Il-mok said, “This MoU will help more Theology students have a vision for world missions with a more practical and specific plan.” Pastor Kim Seong-sik, President of the KASDA, said, “We plan to render full support in training and nurturing more Theology students in order to grow them to become spiritual leaders in the Korean churches in America.”

On the same day, SU Theology Institute and SU Institute for Mission and Social Issues signed an MoU with the KASDA for joint research and the hosting of academic conferences. The aim of the agreement is to base academic discussions on the current status of the U.S. SDA church and pastoral environment, which is considered a precedent case to Korea, to effectively respond to the future of the SDA church in Korea.

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