Student Life


[NEWS] SU Adds New Departments – Division of AI Convergence and Department of Integrative Biotechnology

2021-05-31 1,249

Recruitment of first-ever students for the new departments in the high-tech fields begins this year
Department restructuring plan announced


Sahmyook University launches two departments of high-tech fields, the Division of Artificial Intelligence Convergence and the Department of Integrative Biotechnology, with the aim of cultivating creative convergence experts who will lead the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution with artificial intelligence(AI). The two new departments are to recruit and accept 100 and 30 new students respectively for the academic year of 2022 during this year’s entrance exam.

The SU Academic Affairs Committee recently resolved and announced the above-restructuring plan.

The Division of Artificial Intelligence Convergence, a reorganization of the existing Department of AI Informatics, aims to nurture professionals with humanities and social literacy and managerial insights based on AI-centered engineering expertise. Its specializations will include Technology Management (bachelor of business engineering) and AI Engineering (bachelor of engineering).

On top of the major’s wide-ranging basic education to develop students’ creative thinking, the Division of AI Convergence will offer a broad curriculum, including AI education to cultivate data-driven intelligent expertise, big data-based specialized intensive courses, convergent project-based education for a broader understanding and application of various disciplines, as well as a training program to strengthen global competencies, all to cultivate creative and convergent professionals for the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

With its primary goal of nurturing professionals in the bioconvergence industry, the Department of Integrative Biotechnology will train and offer students opportunities to study in-depth about new industry trends of the future, such as biopharmaceuticals, functional foods and cosmetics, biodiagnostics, and healthcare.

The department will offer biotechnology-based courses that are essential for designing, developing, and assessing efficacy, bio-processing, and safety and quality control, and it will implement a bioinformation technology-integrated, differentiated and practical educational program for expert cultivation.

According to SU Academic Affairs Dean Oh Bok-ja, “By establishing high-tech related departments like AI, big data, and bio, we can now readily prepare ourselves for the increasing demand for manpower in new industries and enhance our university’s competitiveness.” She continued, “We will also fully leverage the National Program of Excellence in Software, which is supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT, to produce outstanding leaders of the Fourth Industrial Revolution era.

Meanwhile, some department names will be changed according to the department restructuring and reorganization plan. For example, the Division of English Studies and the Department of Animal Biotechnology and Resource will be changed to the Department of English Language & Literature and the Department of Animal Resources Science.

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