Student Life


[NEWS] Sahmyook University Open Church’s First Baptismal Ceremony

2021-03-02 1,129

Sahmyook University Open Church’s First Baptismal Ceremony… Explosive Growth through Discipleship Training

The first baptismal ceremony of the Sahmyook University Open Church, a branch church affiliated with the Sahmyook University Main Church, took place on November 21st at the baptismal pool in the Theology Building. These are the seven members who got baptized: So Yeon Kim, Seung Gyeom Kim, Yea Ji Kim, Da Jeong Song, Jun Woo Lee, So Eui Lim, and Hyun Woo Ji.

The Sahmyook University Open Church advocates a ‘small, group-centered church based on discipleship training.’ Nine members with this vision gathered and began worshipping in January this year, and as the number of participants grew gradually, the church was planted in July in the form of a branch church under the support of the University Main Church and the West Central Conference.

All the activities in the Open Church have been carried out based on a disciple training course and small groups. Each small group leader has received discipleship training so that they can nurture and carry out evangelistic small groups. Since small groups are the basis and center of all activities, the ministry is not focused on a pastor but is delegated among the lay people. When a new believer comes to the church, the small group members dedicate themselves to teach the Bible, lead, and nurture him to spiritual maturity.

This worship service, which started with 9 people at the beginning of this year, has grown explosively into a church where there are more than 100 people worshipping in four small groups. More than half of the believers are made up of first-time church attendees, long-term absentees, and lost sheep. The seven people who were baptized on that day also had no direct relationship with Sahmyook University, and all of them accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior through the small groups and decided to get baptize to join the church.

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