Student Life


[NEWS] Operation of 'SPACE System', a student-tailored academic system

2023-06-02 4,582

Sahmyook University has established a student-tailored academic support system, the ‘SPACE System,’ based on a flexible semester system, intensive semester system, and SU-Innovation Day.

The ‘SPACE system’ was developed as part of the university innovation support project and is a creative and convergent academic structure unique to Sahmyook University. This means that by improving the academic system, the entire university space will be created for creative convergence.

First, Sahmyook University will introduce a flexible semester system, ‘SU-PACE.’ This method adds an 8-week undergraduate course during vacations to the current 15-week undergraduate course. △ ‘Intensive Semester (Proper)’ for field practice and intensive classes’ Motivation Semester (Active)’ for first-year students’ Customized Semester’ for careers such as employment and entrepreneurship for 3rd and 4th graders’ Evolvable Semester’ for students on leave of absence and transfer students.

The intensive semester system’ SPACE 6.0’ operates the existing 4-semesters (including seasonal semesters) for a year with a 6-semester system. The undergraduate program, which currently consists of 15 weeks, can be divided into the first half (7 weeks), and the second half (8 weeks) can be adjusted to consist of a total of 6 semesters by adding summer and winter semesters. Each semester is operated as an intensive course. It is an academic structure that activates convergence education, such as micro ·linkage interdisciplinary and convergence majors, module-based major curriculum, and course evaluation-type curriculum design.

Lastly, ‘SPACE 4.1 (SU-Innovation Day)’ is Sahmyook University’s unique creative and convergence academic structure. To activate consumer-centered innovative convergence education, every Wednesday is designated as ‘SU-Innovation Day (SU day),’ and activity days such as major practices, major-related volunteer activities, entrepreneurship education, and micro majors are operated.

Last semester, the Department of Theology and Department of Physical Therapy introduced and piloted SU-Innovation Day. The Department of Theology assigned all the practical courses in the department, such as ministry, pastoral practice, intramural missionary practice, spiritual training, and labor education, to Wednesdays. Field-oriented education has been realized through various practical, experiential learning that goes beyond theory. The Department of Physical Therapy ran a comparative, interdisciplinary program on Wednesdays, such as sports taping and sports massage. Clinical lecturers were invited to acquire the relevant skills intensively.

Byeong-hee Lee, director of the Planning Department and head of the University Innovation Support Project, said, “By establishing the SPACE system, which includes the flexible semester system, the intensive semester system, and SU-Innovation Day, we have been able to upgrade the flexible academic system and establish an innovative academic structure system. Students can actively strengthen their capabilities and cultivate integrative thinking by utilizing various academic systems. We will actively expand the SPACE system so that all students can grow into creative convergence talents who will lead the era of the 4th industrial revolution.”

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