Student Life


[NEWS] Fulfilling my father’s will after 30 years…250 million won donation to Sahmyook University

2021-03-02 1,333

The deceased’s will to donate 250 million won worth of inheritance to Sahmyook University was kept by his family after 30 years. Mr. A, who ran a factory during his lifetime, got an unexpected illness 30 years ago.  Having gathered his family on the verge of his death, he expressed his intention to sell his property, factory, and equipment, and left a will to donate the entire amount to Samyook University. It was worth 250 million won at that time.


The family was also aware of their father’s wishes, so they settled their property following the maintenance. However, when the buyer suddenly broke the contract, the legacy became a pile of debt. The factory was disposed of with difficulty, but there was no money left in the family’s hands. Making it difficult to donate.


However, for Mr. A’s three daughters, their father’s desires remained a burden. They decided to raise money to keep their father’s will, and 30 years later, they have recently raised 250 million won. The wife of the deceased and his eldest daughter, alumni of Sahmyook University, attended the delivery ceremony of the development fund held at the president’s office of Sahmyook University on January 27. They said, “There was no disagreement with anyone in my family. I’m happy to be able to achieve my father’s will even if it’s late.


Sahmyuk University recommended that Mr.A’s real name be disclosed to spread the donation culture and honor the donor, but the family asked them to pay special attention so that their identity and name were not to be revealed.

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