Student Life


[NEWS] Department of Intelligence and Information Convergence and Department of Aviation Tourism and Foreign Languages established The Department of Architecture newly opens a 4-year program

2021-02-17 941

Sahmyook University established the Faculty of Intelligence and Information Convergence to produce creative convergence talents who will play a leading role in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Starting 2021, the university will recruit 100 freshmen from non-scheduled admission and regular admission. The Faculty of Aviation Tourism and Foreign Languages (capacity 40) will also be established to nurture professionals in the field of aviation and tourism. The Department of Architecture decided to establish a four-year course (capacity 10) separately from the existing five-year program.

Sahmyook University recently held the Academic Affairs Committee and announced its plan to restructure based on the aforementioned changes.

Department of Management Information and IT Convergence Engineering were combined to establish the The Department of Intelligent Information Convergence. The aim is to cultivate AI engineering professionals with literacy in the humanities and management. Specialized majors include Management Information Systems Major (Business Administration Engineering), Intelligent Information Engineering Major (Engineering), and Intelligent Systems Engineering Major (Engineering).

The Department of Intelligent Information Convergence provides not only a wide range of learning foundational to the field, but also provides in-depth artificial intelligence and big data learning, convergence projects, training and specialization programs. The department aims to produce creative multi-disciplinary professionals in the fields of  big data and artificial intelligence, IT management, and IT solution capable of leading the 4th industrial revolution.

The Department of Aviation Tourism and Foreign Studies is a faculty that combines the Department of Chinese and the Department of Japanese were integrated to establish the Department of Aviation Tourism and Foreign Studies. Its aim is to cultivate multi-disciplinary professionals with foreign language ability and ample knowledge of East Asian culture.  

The curriculum is structured so that students can master both Chinese and Japanese at the same time. In particular, through a dual major system, students can acquire both degrees in Asian Language Culture (Bachelor of Literature) and Aviation Tourism (Bachelor of Tourism Management).

The Department of Architecture newly establishes a 4-year general degree in addition to the 5-year professional degree which is based on the architect qualification system. All training takes place in small studios with around 10 students. Under the guidance of faculty and architects with extensive practical experience, students study practical and theoretical architectural design, architectural engineering, and various engineering theories related to construction. Upon graduation, students can become architects and engineers, or advance into adjacent professions related to design and engineering.

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