Student Life


[NEWS] “We’re Global Korea Studies freshmen” 40 international students enroll for the school year

2021-02-17 943

Department of Global Korea Studies opens a welcome party and an orientation for international students

Global Koera Studies added another 40 international students this year.

Department of Korea Global Studies, headed by Dean Um Yong Chul, welcomed the students with a welcoming party and an orientation at Danial Hall. Dean Um, faculty, international students (freshmen), and Korean students participated in the event.

First came the orientation, second an ice-breaker. During the first part, students learned about registering for classes, curriculum, class schedule, scholarship, socialized activities, faculty consultations, and other general topics concerning campus life.


During the ice-breaker, incoming students had a chance to mingle with the returning students and played traditional Korean games such as Jaegi Chagi and Yuet Nori.

Nguyen Thi Cuc from Vietname said, “I learned a lot about the program from the professors and had a great time playing traditional Korean games with colleagues. I’m excited for the opportunity to learn Korea. I look forward to campus life.”

Dean Um commented, “We’ve held this event to give the incoming international students a better understanding about the department and prepare them for campus life before the start of the school year. We’ll do our best to assist them in reaching their dreams.” Meanwhile, Sahmyook University’s Department of Global Korean Studies was established in 2019 to cultivate international educators of Korean language and culture, and experts in exchange and public relations in Korea who properly understand and promote Korea. It provides educational courses such as theoretical education, cultural experience, field training, practical internship education, and special lectures for global leaders. In particular, various scholarships and adaptation programs are provided for foreign students to support their studies.

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