교과목코드 | 과목명 | 학점 |
2003212 | 인간행동과 사회환경 분석 (Human Behavior and the Social Environment Analysis) | 3 |
2003191 | 사회복지조사연구 (Advanced Social Research Data Analysis) | 3 |
2003178 | 지역사회복지연구 (Community Welfare & Practice) | 3 |
2003368 | 박사논문(Thesis for Doctor of Social Welfare) | P |
교육상담복지학 전공
교과목코드 | 과목명 | 학점 |
2003174 | 평생교육론 (Lifelong Education) | 3 |
2003237 | 평생교육방법론 (Case Study of Lifelong Education) | 3 |
2003241 | 평생교육프로그램개발론 (Lifelong Education Program Development Theory) | 3 |
2003242 | 평생교육실습 (Lifelong Education Practice) | 3 |
2003235 | 평생교육경영론 (Lifelong Education Management Theory) | 3 |
2003245 | 이야기치료세미나 (Narrative Therapy Seminar) | 3 |
2003221 | 아동발달심리연구 (Child Developmental Psychology Studies) | 3 |
2003247 | 가족상담놀이치료 (Family Counseling Play Therapy) | 3 |
2003249 | 교육상담복지세미나 (Education Counseling Welfare Seminar) | 3 |
2003253 | 발달심리세미나 (Developmental Psychology Seminar) | 3 |
2003256 | 교육연구방법론 (Methodology for the Study of Educational) | 3 |
2003499 | 부모교육 및 가족상담세미나 (Parent Education Theory and Family Counseling Seminar) | 3 |
2001701 | 기독교사회복지연구 (Christian Social Welfare) | 3 |
석사 전공선택
교과목코드 | 과목명 | 학점 |
2003259 | 상담론 (Counseling theory and practice) | 3 |
2003184 | 상담심리의 이해 (Understanding of Counseling Psychology) | 3 |
2002863 | 인간관계 심리학 (Human Relations Psychology) | 3 |
2002751 | 놀이치료 (Play Therapy) | 3 |
2000925 | 아동복지론 (Child Welfare) | 3 |
2003267 | 아동음악지도와 현악기지도법 (Children’s Music Instruction and Stringed Instrument Teaching Methods) | 3 |
2003181 | 특수교육학개론(Introduction to Special Education) | 3 |
2003268 | 이상심리세미나 (Abnormal Psychology Seminar) | 3 |
2003270 | 인사관리세미나 (Personal Management Seminar) | 3 |
박사 전공선택
교과목코드 | 과목명 | 학점 |
2001131 | 인간 관계론 (Strategic Estimation Management Study) | 3 |
2003271 | 인지행동놀이치료 (Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy) | 3 |
2003273 | 발달심리연구세미나(Developmental Psychology Research Seminar) | 3 |
2003274 | 집단상담 및 치료 (Group Counseling and Therapy) | 3 |
2003275 | 복지기관운영관리세미나(Welfare Organization Operation Management Seminar) | 3 |
2003276 | 상담실습사례연구 (Counseling Practice and Case Study) | 3 |
2003281 | 영어원서강독 (Reading Original Texts in English Class) | 3 |
2003282 | 교회음악지도와 현악교수법 실천세미나 (Church Music Instruction and Teaching Methods) | 3 |
2003500 | 부모교육 및 가족상담 (Parent Education and Counseling) | 3 |
2003309 | 현장교육의 실제 및 사례연구 (A Practical and Case Study on Field Education) | 3 |
2003176 | 전공연구세미나 I (Research Seminar Ⅰ) | 3 |
2003223 | 전공연구세미나 II (Research Seminar Ⅱ) | 3 |
2003225 | 전공연구세미나 III (Research Seminar Ⅲ) | 3 |
2003227 | 전공연구세미나 IV (Research Seminar Ⅳ) | 3 |
아동놀이복지학 전공
교과목코드 | 과목명 | 학점 |
2003174 | 평생교육론 (Lifelong Education) | 3 |
2003237 | 평생교육방법론 (Case Study of Lifelong Education) | 3 |
2003241 | 평생교육프로그램개발론 (Lifelong Education Program Development Theory) | 3 |
2003242 | 평생교육실습 (Lifelong Education Practice) | 3 |
2003235 | 평생교육경영론 (Lifelong Education Management Theory) | 3 |
2003177 | 영유아발달론 (Early Childhood Development) | 3 |
2003284 | 아동복지세미나 (Child Welfare Seminar) | 3 |
2003286 | 아동놀이지도세미나 (Children’s Play Guidance Seminar) | 3 |
2003288 | 유아교육론세미나 (Early Childhood Education Seminar) | 3 |
2003268 | 이상심리세미나 (Abnormal Psychology Seminar) | 3 |
2003289 | 가족복지상담론 (Family Welfare Counseling Theory) | 3 |
2001701 | 기독교사회복지연구 (Christian Social Welfare) | 3 |
2003290 | 모래놀이치료의 이론과 실제(Understanding Sandplay Therapy of Practical and Theory) | 3 |
석사 전공선택
교과목코드 | 과목명 | 학점 |
2000925 | 아동복지론 (Child Welfare theory and practice) | 3 |
2003180 | 사회복지학개론 (Introduction to Social Welfare) | 3 |
2003292 | 아동복지시설의 이해 (Understanding Child Welfare Facilities) | 3 |
2003293 | 심리상담의 이해 (Understanding of Counseling Psychology) | 3 |
2003212 | 인간행동과 사회환경분석(Human Behavior and the Social Environment Analysis) | 3 |
2003294 | 발달심리이론 (Developmental Psychology) | 3 |
2002751 | 놀이치료 (Play Therapy) | 3 |
2003181 | 특수교육학개론(Introduction to Special Education) | 3 |
2003296 | 아동상담학 (Child Counseling) | 3 |
2003298 | 가족상담과 놀이치료 (Family counseling and play therapy) | 3 |
2003300 | 유아교육기관운영세미나 (Early Childhood Education Institution Management Seminar) | 3 |
2000633 | 사회복지현장실습 세미나 (Social Welfare Practicum) | 3 |
2003304 | 교육복지론 (Education and Welfare theory and practice) | 3 |
2003267 | 아동음악지도와 현악기지도법 (Children’s Music Instruction and Stringed Instrument Teaching Methods) | 3 |
박사 전공선택
교과목코드 | 과목명 | 학점 |
2003179 | 영유아교육과정연구 (Early Childhood Curriculum) | 3 |
2003305 | 아동관찰 및 행동연구 (Child Observation and Behavioral Research) | 3 |
2003307 | 사회복지기관평가세미나(Social Welfare Agency Assessment Seminar) | 3 |
2003308 | 교수법연구세미나(Teaching Methods Seminar) | 3 |
2003309 | 현장교육의실제및사례연구 (A Practical and Case Study on Field Education) | 3 |
2003281 | 영어원서강독 (Reading Original Texts in English Class) | 3 |
2003282 | 교회음악지도와 현악교수법 실천세미나 (Church Music Instruction and Teaching Methods) | 3 |
2003176 | 전공연구세미나 I (Research Seminar I) | 3 |
2003223 | 전공연구세미나 II (Research Seminar II) | 3 |
2003225 | 전공연구세미나 III (Research Seminar III) | 3 |
2003227 | 전공연구세미나 IV (Research Seminar IV) | 3 |
보건복지행정학 전공
교과목코드 | 과목명 | 학점 |
2003180 | 사회복지학개론 (Introduction to Social Welfare) | 3 |
2003312 | 사회복지시설운영연구 (Operation of Social Welfare Facilities) | 3 |
2001212 | 장애인복지연구 (Social Work Practice with Disabled) | 3 |
2000633 | 사회복지현장실습 세미나 (Social Welfare Practicum) | 3 |
2002647 | 인간행동분석론 (Analysis of Human Behaviors) | 3 |
2003315 | 청소년복지실천연구 (Social Work Practice with Youth) | 3 |
2000143 | 고급 임상심리학 (Advanced Practice for Clinical Psychology) | 3 |
2001701 | 기독교사회복지연구 (Christian Social Welfare) | 3 |
석사 전공선택
교과목코드 | 과목명 | 학점 |
2000631 | 사회복지행정연구 (Social Welfare Administration) | 3 |
2003316 | 복지국가론 (State of Social Welfare) | 3 |
2000082 | 가족복지론 (Social Welfare with Family) | 3 |
2003318 | 사회복지법제와 실천연구 (Study of Social Welfare and Law and Practice) | 3 |
2003320 | 행정학연구 (Study of Administration) | 3 |
2000622 | 사회복지실천방법론 (Social Work theory and practice) | 3 |
2000628 | 사회복지정책연구 (Social Welfare Policy theory and practice) | 3 |
2003323 | 보건복지기관행정론 (Administration of Social Welfare Facilities in Health) | 3 |
2001211 | 장애인복지론 (Social Welfare for People with Disabilities) | 3 |
2000342 | 노인복지론 (Social Welfare for the Elderly theory and practice) | 3 |
2003181 | 특수교육학개론 (Introduction to Special Education) | 3 |
2000599 | 사례관리의 이론과 실제 (Case Management Practice and Theories) | 3 |
2001703 | 아동복지비교분석론 (Comparative Analysis of Child Welfare) | 3 |
2003232 | 어린이와 노인을 위한 환경디자인 (Environment Design for Children and Elderly) | 3 |
2003619 | 사회복지역사(History of Social Welfare) | 3 |
박사 전공선택
교과목코드 | 과목명 | 학점 |
2001336 | 지역사회복지분석론 (Analysis of Community Social Welfare) | 3 |
2003325 | 가족치료실천세미나 (Family Therapy & Practice Seminar) | 3 |
2000624 | 사회복지연구방법론 (Social Welfare of Research Method) | 3 |
2003327 | 사회복지정책분석연구 (Analysis of Social Welfare Policy) | 3 |
2003328 | 노인복지세미나 (Social Service for the Elderly Seminar) | 3 |
2003330 | 장애인복지실천연구세미나(Social Welfare Seminar for People with Disabilities) | 3 |
2003331 | 사례관리실천세미나 (Case Management Practice Seminar) | 3 |
2003501 | 노인교육과정연구세미나(Elderly Educational Curriculum Research Seminar) | 3 |
2003333 | 임상보건복지실천세미나 (Seminar of Clinical Social Welfare in Health Care Practice) | 3 |
2003334 | 사회복지 프로그램 개발과 평가 (Social Welfare Program Development & Evaluation) | 3 |
2000623 | 사회복지실천연구 (Seminar in Advanced Social Welfare Practice) | 3 |
2003281 | 영어원서강독(Reading Original Texts in English Class) | 3 |
2003176 | 전공연구세미나 I (Research Seminar I) | 3 |
2003223 | 전공연구세미나 II (Research Seminar II) | 3 |
2003225 | 전공연구세미나 III (Research Seminar III) | 3 |
2003227 | 전공연구세미나 IV (Research Seminar IV) | 3 |