PhD.: Sogang Business School, Sogang University in 2011.08 (in MIS)
MBA: Graduate School of Business, Hankook University of Foreign Studies in 2004.02 (in MIS)
BA: Sahmyook University in 2002.02 (in MIS)
* MIS: Management Information Systems
Kim, Y. J., and Yim, M. S., 2020.12, The Effect of Interactivity between KIBS Firms and Customers on Innovations in KIBS Firms, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, 30(4), 758-784. (SCOPUS indexed)
Kim, Y. J., and Yim, M. S., 2020.12, An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Customer Learning on Customer Experience in the Context of Knowledge Product Use, Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7(12), 969-976. (ESCI indexed)
D’Arcy, J., Herath, T., Yim, M-S., Nam, K., and Rao, H. R., 2018, Employee Moral Disengagement in Response to Stressful Information Security Requirements: A Methodological Replication of a Coping-Based Model, AIS Transactions on Replication Research, 4, Article 8, 1-17.
Yim, M-S., 2018, Social Messenger Fatigues: The Conceptual Process Model, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118(19), 191-204. (SCOPUS indexed)
Herath, T., Yim, M-S., D’Arcy, J., Nam, K., and Rao, H. R., 2018, Examining Employee Security Violations: Moral Disengagement and Its Environmental Influence, Information Technology and People, 31(6), 1135-1162. (SSCI indexed)
Yim, M-S., 2017, A Conceptual Model for Smart Paradox, International Journal of Applied Economic Research, 15(14), 435-442. (SCOPUS indexed)
Yim, M-S., 2017, An Exploratory Research on Identification of Factors Influencing Spiritual Education Satisfaction, International Journal of Applied Economic Research, 15(14), 89-104. (SCOPUS indexed)
Yim, M-S., 2017, An Effect of Spiritual Education and Non-Work Role Commitment on Role Strain and job Satisfaction, International Journal of Applied Economic Research, 15(14), 71-88. (SCOPUS indexed)
Shin, Y. J., and Yim, M. S., 2016, IT Spillover Effects on Korea Economy: For the Creative Economy based on IT, Indian Journal of Science & Technology, 9(46), 1-18. (SCOPUS indexed)
Yim, M. S., 2016, The Effect of Team Projects on Education Satisfaction, Indian Journal of Science & Technology, 9(26), 1-9. (SCOPUS indexed)
Kim, D., Yim, M. S., Sugumaran, V., and Rao, H. R., 2016, Web Assurance Seal Services, Trust and Consumers’ Concerns: An Investigation of E-commerce Transaction Intentions Across Two Nations, European Journal of Information Systems, 25(3), 252-273. (SSCI indexed, top ranked journal)
Shin, Y. J., and Yim, M. S., 2015, The Role of the IT Industry in the Korean Economy: An Inter-industry Analysis, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(90), Special Issues, 123-134. (SCOPUS indexed)
Goo, J., Yim, M-S., and Kim, D., 2014, A Path to Successful Management of Employee Security Compliance: An Empirical Study of Information Security Climate, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 57(4), 286-308. (SSCI indexed)
2018.03~Present: Associate Professor of the Department of Business Administration
2012.03~2018.02: Assistant Professor of the Department of Business Administration
2011.09~2012.02: Adjunct Professor of Sogang Business School at Sogang University
· Does Customer Delight Matter in the Customer Satisfaction-Loyalty Linkage? (2019)
· How Does the Time Variation of Customer Satisfaction Affect
· Korean Retail Firms’ Performance? (2018)
· Negative Spillover Effects of Other-Customer Failure in Airline Context (2017)
저서 :
· 마케팅 전략 (2021)
· 스타트업 창업을 위한 사업계획서 완전정복 (2020)
· 마케팅 원론 (공저, 2020)
- 삼육대학교 경영학과 졸업
- 서강대학교 경영학과 대학원 석사수료(재무관리)
- 서강대학교 경영학과 대학원 석사(MIS)
- 서강대학교 경영학과 대학원 박사(MIS)
▶ 교재
- IFRS 회계원리(공저), 2010년
- 경영학원론(공저), 2010년
- 원가관리회계(공저), 2009년
- e-비즈니스 개론(공저), 2005년 외 다수
- KMS의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구, 2009년
- 서비스혁신과 기업성과간의 관계에 관한 연구, 2009년
- 비즈니스 모델을 기반으로 서비스시스템모델 개발에 관한 연구, 2010년
- 소매업태 발전에 따른 수산물 유통혁신에 관한 연구, 2010년
- A Study on Enhancing the Demand for Non-Timber Forest Products, 2010년 외 다수
- 경영컨설팅 학회 이사 등 여러 학회의 이사 역임
- 카이젠 인터네셔널 고문 등 여러 기업의 사외이사와 고문, 자문위원 등 역임